There is just something so comforting, when you walk in a house and smell fresh bread. I started baking bread years ago and tried many different recipes. Today I want to share with you this easy and delicious recipe - we bake it all the time. On the weekends we sometimes bake it in the morning so we have fresh warm bread for breakfast.

600 grams whole grain spelt flour
600 ml warm water
1 fresh yeast
11 grams salt
2 tablespoons apple vinegar
250 grams seeds or nuts
*I like a mix of sunflower seeds, pumpkinseeds and linseeds or sometimes I add cranberries or raisins tom make it sweet or whole pecan nuts.
How to
Crumble the yeast in 600ml lukewarm water and stir well
Mix the flour with the seeds
Add the yeast-water mixture
Add the salt and vinegar and knead everything for at least 5 minutes
Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and fill the dough in the pan
You can bake it immediately if you don't have time but I would recommend to let the dough rise for about 1 hour
Bake for about 55 minutes 180° fan
*If you're not sure whether the bread is done, just take it out of the oven and tap the bottom with your finger -if the bottom is hard, your bread is done.